Spring is here - time for your spring containers

Spring is almost officially here, but in Boise these past few weeks of warm weather has made it feel like a very early spring and I could not be more excited.  I have a few clients who I will be designing and installing for over the next couple of days and will post the results here when they are complete.  

While the growers are not quite in full swing yet I was able to get my hands on some beautiful pansies, ranunculus, cordyline, violas and heuchera and cannot wait to get my hands into the dirt.  All of these plants should do well in the variable spring weather we have here in Boise, but if a hard frost is coming remember to cover them up with a light blanket.  If you get your plants from a nursery where they have been in a greenhouse it is a good idea to put them in your garage for a day or two to let them acclimatize. 

Always remember to put fresh soil into your containers each time you change out the plants.  You don't need to replace all of the soil, but you should make sure to get some good raised bed potting soil and mix in a fair amount to ensure there are enough nutrients in the container. 

Finally make sure your containers are well drained and have the right amount of water.  Plants are thirsty when they first get transplanted, so watch the soil moisture level closely.  

Have fun and get dirty - spring is here! 

As always if you are interested in a free consultation on your containers, please contact me.