Announcing Solscape Containers

I am so excited to announce the next evolution of Solscape.  Over the past couple of years I have been exploring how I wanted to apply the years of study and practical work I have been doing in gardening and horticulture.  Last year I ventured into full scale landscape design and maintenance and while I love the work, I knew there was something missing.  I spent the better part of the winter working through some ideas for the direction of Solscape and have landed on year round living containers.  Since I began gardening I have always enjoyed the ritual of designing, planting and maintaining my containers more than any other aspect of gardening.  While traveling around the world I saw so many unique and wonderful applications of container gardening and they inspired me to dig deeper into the area to see if people are offering this as a complete service anywhere in the US.  My search led me to a couple of inspiring businesses in Chicago and Detroit.  Their work is amazing and it has inspired the next evolution of Solscape.  

While I will continue to offer some full scale landscape design services, most of my work will be focused on offering four season container design, installation and maintenance service.  You can find out more about the service here.  

I am so excited about this latest development and am looking forward to being able to provide a wonderful and much needed service to the Boise community.  To announce and market the service I worked with a local designer to create a mini-container, which I will be hand delivering to about 100 houses over the next couple weeks.  

If you would like a free consultation for your property please feel free to contact me.